Most Important Brand Elements In 2023

All the world’s leading brands have got one thing in common, brand identity and presence. A good example is when you mention top brands like Apple or Facebook; their logos are probably the first thing that pops into your mind. And this is what brand identity is all about. Today, brand identity is the vehicle that enhances connection with potential and loyal customers. It is the attribute that maintains the brand’s relevance in the eyes of its target audience. However, just like the brand itself, businesses must keep on reinventing their brand elements to consistently remain relevant. Branding trends that moved industries today might become irrelevant and old-fashioned tomorrow. Here are some of the most important brand elements that will shape brands in 2021.

Outstanding Brand Name

While offering high-quality products and services remains a crucial component for creating a successful brand, you can never belittle the weight and value that a brand name carries. A brand name is what identifies and differentiates one brand from the other. In most scenarios, a brand name is the first impression that any business can create. This means that the brand name you choose will significantly determine whether your business will gain traction or fall into oblivion. Branding experts recommend going for simple, memorable, and relevant options when choosing a brand name.

Coca Cola Brand.jpg
Starbucks Logo.jpg

Well-designed Logo

Neuroscientists have discovered that the human brain process plenty of images within 13 milliseconds that it takes to see them. Therefore, the human brain perceives a brand within the few milliseconds of seeing its logo, after which instant brand recognition is processed. The world’s leading brands are easy to recognise through their logos, which is why most companies invest heavily in developing their logos. The world’s most expensive logo costed the company (Symantec Brand and Acquisition) up to $1.28 billion. It is fundamental to develop a logo design that will identify your business and build your brand’s image.

Customer Experience

In 2020, customer experience has been considered the most critical component of driving business growth and revenue. This branding trend is expected to continue in 2021 as more customers anticipate an excellent experience with their preferred brands. In fact, over 86 per cent of consumers are willing to make an extra payment to have the best customer experience. In 2021, customers will be expecting more than just a fancy logo and good products. They want you to take them on a journey and give them the experience they deserve. You can create your brand’s customer experience through such ways as capturing feedback, understanding your customers, connect with customers, and offering personalised services.

Geometric Patterns

The use of geometric patterns is revolutionising the design industry, and businesses are now adopting them to extend their brands. Ideally, geometric patterns are altered or repeated shapes that are used to create a cohesive design. However, in branding, geometric patterns are not just shapes. They are images that reflect a specific idea, emotion, or movement. Geometric patterns are easy to recognise, and it is easy to capture your customers’ attention by adding visual interest to them. Keep in mind that a geometric pattern is not a replacement for your logo. Your pattern can be a simple shape, such as a triangle or square, used to add vitality to your logo or product design.


Websites are considered the most representative aspect of a brand’s identity online. Over 89 per cent of customers are said to run an online search on a brand before making a purchasing decision. Potential customers will experience your business first through your website, which is why your site should be up-to-date and user-friendly.

On-brand Complimentary Graphics

Today, businesses operate in a multimedia world, which is why you must extend your visual language by using complementary graphics. Basically, these are designs that you create to feature all the recognisable elements that are unique to your business. Such graphics include brand fonts, product icons, and brand colours. With complementary graphics, it is easy for customers to identify your brand since all your recognisable elements are consistent throughout your marketing channels. For example, it is easy to identify Google’s Gmail by only seeing its icon.

Are you interested in a logo, complementary graphics, or geometric patterns? There is no need to worry. We have all the graphic design packages you need to promote your brand’s presence and identity.


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